Our Team

ISWM Asset Management is led by reputable and qualified personnel, with combined track record of almost a century.

Andreas Michael

Chief Executive Officer & Chief Portfolio Manager

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Andreas Michael

Chief Executive Officer & Chief Portfolio Manager

Mr. Andreas Michael is the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Portfolio Manager in ISWM Asset Management Ltd. He holds BSc in Public and Business Administration & Management from the University of Cyprus and is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus and a Certified Person (Advanced Examination) by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. Andreas worked in Deloitte Limited for 13 years and had served as a Director in the Audit and Business Process Solutions departments and acted also is a leadership facilitator/coach for Deloitte in EMEA region.

Evros Menelaou

Executive Director & General Manager

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Evros Menelaou

Executive Director & General Manager

Mr. Evros Menelaou is an Executive Director and the General Manager in ISWM Asset Management Limited. He also oversees the Risk Management Department in the capacity of the Chief Risk Management Officer. Evros obtained a BA with Honours at the University of Manchester, majoring in Accounting and Finance. He is also a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales and a holder of Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) Advanced Certificate.

Antonis Vryonidis

Executive Director & Anti-Money Laundering and Compliance Officer

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Antonis Vryonidis

Executive Director & Anti-Money Laundering and Compliance Officer

Mr. Antonis Vryonidis is an Executive Director and Anti-Money Laundering and Compliance Officer of ISWM Asset Management Limited. Antonis studied LLB Law at the University of Leicester, UK, and then completed his studies at the University of Law, Birmingham, UK, where he was awarded with a First-Class Honours Degree in Legal Practice Course (LPC) with Master’s in Law, Management and Business. He was admitted to the Cyprus Bar Association in 2017, and he is a holder of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) Advanced Certificate and CySEC Anti-Money Laundering and Compliance Officer (AMLCO) Certificate.

Nicholas Ayiomamitis

Non-Executive Director & Strategy and Business Development Director

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Nicholas Ayiomamitis

Non-Executive Director & Strategy and Business Development Director

Mr. Nicholas Ayiomamitis is a Non-Executive Director and the Strategy and Business Development Director of the ISWM Asset Management Limited. He also serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Sunset Gardens. He holds a BSc in Management Science from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus and a Certified Person (Advanced Examination) by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. Nicholas has served as a Director in the Financial Advisory Department of Deloitte Limited

Gil Rozen

Non-Executive Director

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Gil Rozen

Non-Executive Director

Mr. Gil Rozen is a Non-Executive Director in ISWM Asset Management. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Accounting from the Bar-Ilan University (Israel) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Management from the University of Brandford, UK. Gil has over 25 years of experience in finance, 20 of which in the capacity of Chief Finance Officer. He has profound experience in real estate development in Eastern Europe, as well as stock exchange trading.

Gabriella Michaelidou

Non-Executive Director & Anti-Money Laundering Director

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Gabriella Michaelidou

Non-Executive Director & Anti-Money Laundering Director

Ms. Gabriella Michaelidou is a Non-Executive Director and the Anti-Money Laundering Director in ISWM Asset Management Limited. She is a holder of the American Bankers Association Diploma (A.I.B.) and has over 28 years of banking experience in Marfin Popular Bank and, later, Bank of Cyprus. She also served as a Chief Accountant in ELBEE Ltd (Coca-cola) for several years. Ms Michaelidou is Charter Institute for Securities & Investment Associate and a holder of Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) Advance Certificate, and Certificate in Insurance by Insurance Institute in Cyprus.

Savvas Costa Michael

Non-Executive Director

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Savvas Costa Michael

Non-Executive Director

Mr. Savvas Costa Michail is a Non-Executive Director in ISWM Asset Management. Savvas started his studies in London in 1966, before joining Coopers & Lybrand. In 1977 he moved to Greece where he joined Spicer and Oppenheim. In 1984 he started a financial consulting business in Cyprus, advising small and medium companies specializing in real estate development and tourism on tax and financial matters. Savvas rejoined Coopers & Lybrand (afterwards PwC) as a partner in 1992, in tax and company administration services. Savvas is a member of ICPAC, ICAEW and SOEL and a holder of CySEC advance certificate.

Ismene Geraldine Mavrocordatos

Non-Executive Director

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Ismene Geraldine Mavrocordatos

Non-Executive Director

Ms. Ismene Geraldine Mavrocordatos holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Middlesex, London and a Diploma in International Trust Management (STEP). She started her career in Landwell, the legal arm of PwC and worked for reputable corporate legal and business firms in Cyprus specialising in Trusts, Trust Management and corporate law matters. She joined Calmco as manager in charge of legal and fiduciary services in October 2015. She is the Legal Director of a family office with a wide range of investments including pharmaceuticals, shipping, real estate and several startup projects.

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